After a few hours of manual labor, I returned home to have coffee with Sharon. On the way home, I stopped at Safeway to pick up some kind of "munchie" to have with coffee. As I walked in, covered in dirt and sweat, I got a few looks. Perhaps people thought I was homeless. I was quite the sight.

In keeping with my environmentalist persona, I need to find something that's not going to widen the hole in the ozone layer. I'll leave that to other Southern "belles."
Yeah, like I'm so Southern. You should hear me screaming and carrying on at Mystics games. I'm still trying to scream myself hoarse. So far I still have a voice. Bummer! But I definitely get some looks when I belt out such favorite phrases as "Let's go ladies!" or "Come on (insert name here)! Knock it down!"
Yikes! On the subject of knocked down, I'm about to fall down from exhaustion. It's tiring just watching the Mystics. I can't even imagine what it must be like to play in one of those games.
And I have a big day tomorrow. I'll get a fix on how my plan to lose a pound a week before vacation is going. If I don't report, we'll know...
Score: Domestic Divahood, 3; Unfulfilled on the job, 0
Dear Domestic Diva--Your blog is terrific, well-written, funny, personal, and totally believable. In just a few short posts you tell so much about yourself, Gary, your garden. It's great!! Keep it up!! I feel sure it will help take you to new possibilities!