"Everybody's innocent in here. Didn't you know that?”
~ Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption

Seriously though, thinking about jury duty takes me back….
When I interviewed for what would later become my job as a general assignment reporter for the Daily Gazette in Schenectady, NY, I was asked if I had any court reporting experience.
Let me stipulate (Woohoo! Check out that legalese!) that by court reporting, I do not mean stenography.
I have a cousin who is a “court reporter,” but trust me, she wasn't nearly as lucky as me. I got to hang out with the scum of the earth. Aren't you jealous?
But I digress….
Prior to joining the Gazette staff, I’d had limited legal reporting experience, but what few stories I’d written for my weekly paper had been significant. Towards the end of a highly publicized murder trial in which the defendant was a police officer, I filled in for our court reporter who was very pregnant. It was decided that there was enough drama in the courtroom without Alice going into labor, so I was sent to cover closing arguments, the verdict (guilty!) and the sentencing.
For someone who’d been hooked on “Law & Order” forever (and still is), it was very exciting.

For security’s sake, to get into the jail from the parking lot, you had to cross a wide courtyard before reaching the front door.
Now, it stands to reason that in the course of about two years covering the jail, which was run by the sheriff’s office, I got to know some the deputies who worked there rather well.

The joke was on me….
The deputy looked at me with amusement and frustration and said, “Y’know, Daphne, just once I wish someone would say, ‘I did do it!’”
Written for The Writers’ Post Weekly Blog Hop #25. Theme: Innocence